All posts by Sofi


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt's always a learning process, isn't it? When we first heard the bullfrogs croaking, we were thrilled! What a fun animal to find in the ponds. They're big, they make distinct sounds, and there's the possibility of catching them and eating them, too! And there … Continue Reading ››

Horse Power

20140407_102013One of the aspects of this project that we are all excited about is reducing the use of fossil fuels on the ranch. We are lucky that Mary has the skills (and inclination!) to make a big part of that reduction happen through the use of … Continue Reading ››


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA new phase begins: in mid-April we officially purchased the 218 acres of land in Capay Valley, ending years of discussion about this project, and months of searching for suitable land. We are now moving on to the next phase, which involves putting everything in place … Continue Reading ››